Coach Carter

Listen, shorty, I'm just gonna be real
with you, okay?

You're my girl.
I get out on that court
and everything is just getting crazy,

all I gotta do is just think about you.
Mr. Lyle.
Why aren't you in...
- I'm going there right now, sir.

- Sir, this is Betty.
- Bella.

Bella. Bella. This is Bella, sir.
Go to class.
Don't forget that these projects
are due at the end of this week.

- So if any of you need extra time...
- Excuse me, sir. Are you Mr. Gesek?

- Yes.
- I...

...don't see Junior Battle
in this class.

Junior Battle is like a solar eclipse.
We rarely see him, but when we do,
it's always special.

Thank you.
"Surprise arrival to the poll
is Richmond High at 19th. "

- Top 20, baby.
- We're 19th, dog.

"The Oilers have posted
a perfect 9-0 mark,

winning on the road against
perennial powerhouses

Xavier and Baxter Union. "
Junior, you should read
the rest of this.

They blowing you up
in this paper.

- Come on, man, read it.
- Man, you know he can't read.

- Man, shut up.
- Shut up, Maddux.

"Richmond center has been big
as the Oilers are 'boyed. "'

Buoyed. The word is "buoyed. "
"Buoyed by Junior Battle's
19.8- Rebound-a-night numbers. "

See, that's my big nigga
right there, son. Hey.

If you was any bigger,
you'd be my bigger nigga.

Sit down. Sit down!
