We ain't got to be ready enough
for nothing, all right?
I'm ready enough to do what
I gotta do all by my damn self.
So you can take these
and go to the dance yourself.
Progress reports?
You're the basketball coach.
Look, ma'am, we talked about this.
I don't see what the problem is.
Do you know what the API is,
Mr. Carter?
No, I don't.
The Academic Performance Index.
They judge schools on a scale
of one to ten, ten being the best.
Do you have any idea
where Richmond falls on that scale?
No, ma'am, I have no idea.
We're a one, Mr. Carter, and have
been for the last seven years.
The state rewards schools
for their performance.
So every year I have less money
to pay faculty and staff.
- Look, ma'am...
- Can I ask what it is you want?
- I want my boys to go to college.
- College?
Mr. Carter, Richmond graduates
50 percent of its students,
the higher percentage being girls.
Now, in my very educated opinion,
you have 15 players on your team,
you'll be lucky to graduate
five of them.
I'm sorry, ma'am,
but I don't agree with you.
Look, these boys signed contracts.
Maybe if you'd read one of them...
Your job is to win basketball games,
Mr. Carter.
- I suggest you start doing your job.
- And your job is to educate these kids.
I suggest you start doing yours.
...we had another good week.
Yeah, business is very good, Kenny.
But I'm on my own.
You're never here.
- It gets crazy.
- Look, I appreciate everything you do.
And I promise you... We're closed.
- As soon as the season is over,
I will be here for you.
Mr. Carter?
- I'm...
- Junior Battle's mother.
Yes, ma'am, I remember you.
Willa. Willa Battle.
How may I help you, ma'am?
Mr. Carter, I got a phone call today
from a coach at a junior college
in Sacramento.
Now, they wanna see
Junior play this Friday.
Well, that's great, ma'am,
but Junior broke some rules...
And I agree with them.
I'm not here to argue
with your rules.