Coach Carter

Gentlemen, in this hand,
I hold contracts

signed by me and signed by you.
In this hand, I hold academic-progress
reports prepared by your teachers.

We have six players failing
at least one class,

eight players getting incompletes
based on attendance.

Gentlemen, you have failed to up...
No, I'm sorry.
We have failed.
We have failed each other.
Now, there are some of you
who have upheld this contract.

But know that we are a team.
And until we all meet the terms
of this contract,

the gym will remain locked.
- Locked?
- What?

- What you mean, locked?
- What, like for the day?

- He must mean for the day.
- Mr. Thompson,

Mr. Gesek and Miss Sherman have
generously volunteered their time

to help us reach our goals.
But, coach, I have a 3.3.
That's good, sir.
Do you score all the points
for the team too?

We are the Richmond Oilers.
Do you know what Oilers
stands for?

Know that you're not just
walking out on me.

You're walking out on them.
I had to beg you.
And then I ran all those sprints.
I did all that shit.
I killed myself for you, sir,
to get back on the team.

This is bullshit.
You put a lock on the gym and forced
them to meet you in the library?

- Are you crazy?
- Miss Garrison.

I'm surprised you know
where my office is.
