so as you leave campus,
please do so quietly.
I ain't turning the cheek.
He come up in my 'hood,
I'm serious, it's on.
- Young sirs.
- It's always been like that.
It's been a long day.
Reporters. Media everywhere.
Let's take this time to say whatever it is
we want while the doors are closed.
You have the floor.
This is about us.
Man, this shit ain't about us.
This is all about Coach Carter.
We're the basketball team.
All I see is you on TV,
getting famous, eating that shit up.
- Is that all you see?
- It's all I see.
You ain't lying.
Well, let me tell you what I see.
I see a system that's designed
for you to fail.
Now, I know you all like stats,
so let me give you some.
Richmond High only graduates
50 percent of its students.
And of those that do graduate,
only 6 percent go to college.
Which tells me, when I walk down
the halls and I look in your classrooms,
maybe only one student
is going to go to college.
"Well, damn, Coach Carter, if I ain't
going to college, where I'm gonna go?"
Now, that's a great question.
And the answer for young
African-American men in here is this:
Probably to prison.
In this county,
33 percent of black males
between 18 and 24 get arrested.
So look at the guy on your left.
Now look at the guy on your right.
One of you is going
to get arrested.
Growing up here in Richmond,
you're 80 percent more likely
to go to prison than college.
Those are the numbers.
Those are some stats for your ass.
Now, I want you to go home...
...and look at your lives tonight...
...and look at your parents' lives...