has been benched.
The highly ranked Oilers have
a perfect season on the court,
but some players were
in big trouble academically.
And in an unprecedented move,
Coach Ken Carter canceled practice,
locked the gym and sent his players
straight to the library.
Now, at the start of the season,
I understand you made all of
your players sign a contract
before they could join the team.
What exactly were the conditions
of that contract?
The contract states that
the players must maintain
a 2.3 grade point average
and that the players must
attend all their classes
and sit in the front row
of those classes.
Well, Coach Carter, it's an
unusual strategy, and a risky one
in a sense, in light of
your team's winning record,
but I think there's gonna be a lot of
people out there pleased to learn
that at least somebody still cares
about the concept of a student athlete.
Thanks a lot for joining us today.
I'm sorry to disturb you.
I'm Coach Ken Carter of the Richmond
High School basketball team.
Oh, yeah.
I need to ask you a favor.
My team is studying in the library,
and I've been trying to tell them
that brains and beauty
are a perfect combination.
Know what I'm saying?
I mean, I'm Worm, baby.
How would you like
to watch the Worm work?
Hey, where did you get
that backpack?
Watch out, Too Short.
Why study earth science
or history or algebra?
Getting good grades in those subjects,
combined with basketball skills,
can get you into college.
Girl, you should've bought it.
I would've worn it.
You selfish son of a bitch.
You snake.
- Miss...
- No, no, don't "miss" me, snake.
Mr. Carter, you remember me?
Now, after all the things that my son
has been through for your team,
for you to go lock up
this gym like this, how dare you...