Coach Carter

Come on, ref,
you wasn't even there.

- Red ball, red ball. Red, red, red.
- Yes. Yes.

- Richmond's ball.
- What?

Okay, let's go. Let's go.
- Red ball.
- Junior, good block!

- I know that's a foul.
- It's all ball.

- What are you talking about?
- What's up, man?

Knock his bitch ass out.
Calm down, man.
We're still in the game.

Come on.
- Ease back.
- Bring it in. Bring it in.

Get out of my way, man. Get off me.
Let's go, let's go.
All right, baby, it's all us now.
It's all us. Let's go.

They're standing on the edge of a cliff.
All we gotta do is push them off.

We're gonna run Candy.
Worm, you gotta sell them
the pass to Damien.

Junior, we come to you
on the weak-side seal.

But, gentlemen,
just because you deserve this

doesn't mean they're gonna
give it to you.

Sometimes you gotta take
what's yours. You ready to do this?

- Hell, yeah.
- Let's go.

- All right, hands in.
- Come on, take this.

Richmond on three.
One, two, three, Richmond!

- Careful of the foul, all right? Let's go.
- I got you. 1-4, 1-4!

- All right.
- Defense! Mustangs!

Let's go, let's go, let's go.
Candy! Candy!
Ball, Damien.
- Move, move.
- Help, help.
