Midnite, Jesus...
...I thought the thing was authentic.
I see now.
Your health is bad for other reasons.
How long?
A few months, maybe a year.
I thought I heard thunder last night.
Must have been
Satan's stomach growling.
You're the one soul he'd come
up here himself to collect.
So I've heard.
Well, I am most certain
you did not come here...
...for a sympathetic shoulder
to cry on.
A demon just attacked me,
right out in the open on Figueroa.
They don't like you, John.
How many have you
deported back to hell?
Not some angry half-breed, Midnite.
A full-fledged demon, here, on our plane.
Clearly I do not have to remind you
that is impossible.
And yesterday I saw a soldier demon...
...trying to chew its way out
through a little girl.
Listen, John, demons stay in hell,
angels in heaven...
...the great détente
of the original superpowers.
Thanks for the history lesson, Midnite.
You've been a tremendous help.
...I need to use the chair.
John, forgetting the fact that it would
almost certainly kill you...
...you know I am neutral.
And as long as the balance
is maintained, I take no sides.
Before you were a bartender...
...you were one witch doctor
against, what, 30 Ashgar?
- And I-
- You were Constantine.
The John Constantine.
This isn't the usual game, I can feel it.
Something's coming.
That expression alone
has made my entire night.