Have you lost what little mind you have?
I need to use the chair.
I offer no aid to one side or the other.
- The balance.
- Screw the balance.
You dare? In my house?
Is this neutral? Bullshit.
You're the only one still playing
by the rules, Midnite.
And while you've been imitating
Switzerland, people are dying.
Hennessy, Beeman, they were
your friends once too, remember?
I need your help!
Consider it a last request.
You play a dangerous game.
Two-hundred-dollar shirt, by the way.
That little shit has been trying to climb
out of his father's shadow for eons.
I'd hate to think what he would do
to this world if he ever broke through.
Forgot how big it was.
Two hundred souls passed through
this wood and steel at Sing Sing.
Which way's east?