Jumalalla on kai
suunnitelma meille jokaiselle
Jumala on penska
Hän ei suunnittele mitään
Kun olimme lapsia...
Isabelkin näki juttuja
Kouri ruumista
ja juoksi sitten kadun yli
Tuli tänne, joi kaikkea
Hukuttautui alkoholiin
alle minuutissa
Voisi kuulua osakuntaani
Mitä hän täällä tekee?
- Hän on OK
Mikset soittanut, senkin retale?
I guess God has a plan for all of us.
God's a kid with an ant farm, lady.
He's not planning anything.
When we were little...
...Isabel saw things too.
Guard spotted him groping the body,
then he ran across the street.
Came in here, and he had a go
at the entire stock.
He drowned himself in alcohol
in under a minute.
Could've been a member
of my fraternity.
Hey, what the hell is he doing here?
He's okay.
Why didn't you call me,
you son of a bitch?