You might tear your glove.
I never should've come here.
I'm surprised the police
don't make it more difficult.
Were you badly hurt?
I think we saw each other
at the hospital.
I don't want the car.
In fact,
I was appalled to find...
that I have to pay
to have it scrapped.
Can I give you a lift?
I somehow find myself
driving again.
You haven't told me
where we're going.
I haven't?
To the airport,
if you don't mind.
The airport?
Why? Are you leaving?
Not yet.
Though not soon enough
for some people.
A death in the doctor's family
makes the patients uneasy.
I take it you're not wearing
white to reassure them.
I'll wear a fucking kimono
if I want to.
So why the airport?
I work in
the lmmigration Department.
Do you want a cigarette?
I started to smoke
at the hospital.
It's kind of stupid.