Have you seen his penis?
I think it's badly scarred...
from a motorcycle accident.
Is he circumcised?
Can you imagine
what his anus looks like?
Describe it to me.
Would you like to sodomize him?
Would you like to put your penis
right into his anus?
Just thrust it up his anus?
Tell me.
Describe it to me.
Tell me what you would do.
Could you just kiss him
in that car?
Describe how you reach over.
Unzip his greasy jeans.
Take out his penis.
Would you kiss it
or suck it right away?
Which hand would you...
Which hand
would you hold it in?
Have you ever sucked a penis?
Do you know
what semen tastes like?
Have you ever tasted semen?
Some semen
is saltier than others.
Vaughan's semen
must be very salty.