We must accumulate
all the paper we can about her.
Some of the stuff that Helen
brought back is terrific...
tolerances of the human face
in crash impacts...
mechanisms of...
Now, where is the...
I'm sure we see this again
in slow motion.
Closer, I mean...
in detail.
We can watch another tape.
We brought lots of tapes.
No. L... I know this tape.
I know this tape.
That tape player's fucked.
That's what it is.
It always does that.
It always does that.
You're upset.
No. I'm all right.
I'm all right now.
I've always wanted
to drive a crash car.
You could get your wish
at any moment.
No. I mean a crash car
with a history.
Camus' Fassellvega...
Nathaniel West's
station wagon...
Grace Kelly's Rover 3500.
Just fix it enough
to get it rolling.