Cry Wolf

What if this
isn't a random murder,
but a serial killer.

You already lost me.
Let's just say
someone forwarded us
an e-mail.

About not one,
but a series of murders
that happened before.

Go on.
And the first victim died
in identical fashion
to our townie.

So it's happening again.
Why else would the police
be investigating Westlake?

They're not.
Telling the student body.

It would be our duty
to warn them.

Meet me in the library.
We're going to create
a killer.

He needs a name.
The Wolf?
That works.

Okay. What else does every
good mass murderer have?

Something that he wears.
that covers his face
but anyone can buy.

What? Is he robbing a bank?

My old roommate,
he used to go hunting.

He had one of those
neon ski masks.

Orange doesn't exactly
inspire fear.

Come on, it's the new black.

There are plenty of
deer hunters around here.

Give him a camo jacket, too.
What's his weapon
of choice?

Well, the girl was shot.
Yeah, but a knife
would be scarier.

Don't get me wrong,
I love
the phallic imagery...

but serial killers
rarely change their M.O.

But don't you see?
This is his pattern.

Remember this is not
the first time
our boy has struck.

Of course, he goes
from campus to campus.

Following the exact
same plan.

The first death
is always a townie.
Which is just a warning shot.

Before he attacks
the school.

And the massacre begins.
On the full moon.

That's this weekend, right?
It's Halloween.

It's so obvious.
It's perfect.

So who were
the original victims?

So the first person killed
was obviously the town slut...

shot in the face
while lost in the woods.

Okay. Who's next?
What if the Wolf
waited for his prey
in the back seat of a car?
