Cry Wolf

The good guy that fell
for the bad girl.

Died of a broken heart.
I didn't know you were
such a romantic, Randall.

I'm not.
But I do love the irony.

We'll get this out tonight,
leaving plenty of time...

for the rumors to spread.
Lights out.
If I get caught
in the boys' dorm again...

Yeah, that hasn't happened
since we hooked up, huh?

By hooking up,
you mean jerking off...

to my yearbook photo, right?
Dude, don't you want
to use an anonymous account?

Why? I'm just
forwarding it along.
With sensitivity and respect.

Owen, Tom,
I said lights out!

Hey, did you guys hear
what I said? Go to bed.

Do you think anyone
will believe it?

I'm telling you,
I read the e-mail.
It's happening.

Just like it did
at that other school.

The first girl,
she was shot
in the face.

I forwarded it...
To my brother.

He sent it to everyone
he knows.

He told me to get off-campus
this weekend
if I didn't wanna get gutted.

He said the second girl...
Owen, just the man
I want to see.

You got a minute?

What's in the box?
Antique chess set.

Got to love eBay.
Just now
discovering the Internet?
