The wreck, the girl dying,
it brought up a lot of stuff,
- No, no, no, Ellie, don't start with that,
- I know we don't talk about it enough,
- It has nothing to do with Mom and Dad,
- I miss them too,
Your hand,
It's a creepy coincidence,
This is some pretty freaky shit,
Admit it,
Let's put it to the test,
I bought this frame myself,
three years ago,
It's from Tiffany's,
It's sterling silver,
Now, if I'm a werewolf,
I shouldn't be able to pick it up, right?
- It should hurt me, right?
- According to chapter four, yeah,
Go to bed, Jimmy,
It's late,
(dogs bark)
(dogs get louder)
shut up!