Get stuck in here, huh?
- Mommy, what happened?
- Sorry. It's all right.
Another puddle.
Sorry about that. I keep telling Mr Veeck
he's gotta mop in there every morning.
You know,
with all this rain we're having,
you can't stop some of it
coming down that elevator shaft.
There's just no way to stop it.
Anyway, here's 9F down here.
The building was built in 1976
by Stern-Jackson and associates,
in the brutalist style.
Um... Now, what they were trying to create,
as you can see, was kind of a little village,
kind of a Utopia, actually,
is what they had in mind.
And some of those ideas
have come together.
Some of their original plans for the place
were a little crazy, if you ask me, actually.
Yeah, I just do that
just in case. It's vacant.
- Come on in.
- Shall I close this?
Yeah. Let me just apologise in advance.
The place is in a little bit of a mess.
Our last tenant
was a little messy,
but we're gonna put a fresh new
coat of paint on this whole place.
It's gonna brighten it up quite a bit.
Let's take a look at your bedroom, sweetie.
This could be your room
if Mommy wants it to be.
- What do you think? Isn't that great?
- There's no air in here.
Of course there's air in here. If there
wasrt air, we wouldn't be able to breathe.
Uh... That window does not open, but it lets
a lot of natural light in in the afternoons.
- It's really great.
- Strange.
I kinda like it. In the afternoon,
it brightens the place up quite a bit.
Anyway, here's the closet.
You could put your dollies in there,
or, you know, Mom could use it for storage.
- Lemme show you the bathroom. OK?
- OK.
Come on, honey.
Is this another closet here?
Yeah, that's the foyer closet.
The bathroom's pretty self-explanatory.
It's in decent shape. Once we clean it up.
You got the toilet, of course,
the sink, bathtub.
This glass is safety glass.
I mean, you could hit that
as hard as you want, it will not break.
And that is great for your peace of mind,
you know, when Ceci's taking a bath.
Hey, Ceci.
Come look in here.