Takes my breath away.
Every single time.
Right, if he's not back in five minutes,
I'm going to the docks myself.
How do you even know that's where he is?
Where would you go if it was you?
He won't go on that ship.
How do you know what he would do?
You've not even met him.
He doesn't want to spoil the surprise.
If I was a betting man,
which I'm not,
I'd put money on it.
Mother, do something useful
and put the kettle on.
Would you like a cup of tea?
- I'm sorry, I don't know your name.
- Jesus God!
What's Frankie's dad called?
Depends who's calling him.
Call me Davey, then.
Don't ruin this for him, please.
Let him have this one day.
Have you got that money?
Oh, yeah, um...