Just give me back the piece.
No, man, no. Are you crazy?
What, do you want to get arrested?
Where did you get this?
Happy birthday.
Joseph Campbell believed
that the power of myth...
related to certain intrinsic universal values
found in all cultures:
The need to worship God,
to protect the family...
to coexist in harmony with nature.
Now, from these very ideas
stories were created...
and passed down
from one generation to another...
each having its own central hero character.
Want to see what you missed?
If I wanted to see it,
I wouldn't have missed it.
Campbell termed this ennobled path...
- Just trying to be helpful.
- What a shame.
I thought you wanted to get in my pants.
It is my birthday.
Works for me.
But little more than the stories
we grow up hearing...
and the tradition of telling them...
is what binds together
even the most disparate of societies.
Happy birthday, handsome.
- How does it feel to be 21?
- Like I'm on the verge of nothing.
Mr. Gray, am I interrupting a celebration?
Sorry, Prof. Hartney.
Tell me, Dakota, what are we to make
of this Dionysian offering?
All right. That's enough for today.
Thank you.
- So we drinking this tonight?
- We'll be doing a lot more than that.