You must be Jake.
Yeah. How did you know that?
Hey, Jake, this lady needs help
with her laptop, okay?
Okay. What's the problem?
It just stopped working.
They do that.
Okay, let's see.
- That's what it looks like in there.
- What did you expect?
Lots of little guys running around
doing my errands for me.
You've got some red wax.
Wax. My tarot cards.
- Sorry?
- I burn candles when I read tarot, so...
They help you see into the future, right?
Yeah, and the past.
It works.
- What do I owe you?
- No charge.
- Really?
- Yeah.
That's so nice. Thank you.
You could have got $75 for that job.
- It was a piece of wax.
- Yeah?
Well, I'm docking your salary.
What the hell for?
Because your time is my money.
And please, watch your fucking language.