Hello. Are you the doctor?
Habari Kani, Lankester.
It's good to have you back.
Oh, thank you. Your room is prepared.
We'll need another room,
Emekwi. This is Father Francis.
You're a friend of Lankester's, Father?
Oh, hello. I hope so.
I've actually come to open
a missionary school.
This is your hotel?
The finest establishment in Derati.
Emekwi here, he's a Christian.
Maybe he can help you.
In any way I can.
James, Joseph.
These are my sons, Father.
They shall be your first pupils,
if you will have them.
That's excellent, Emekwi. Thank you.
Well, then, how far are we
from the site?
How old do you think it is?
Well, the architecture seems to date
to the fifth century.
The Byzantine Empire
had adopted Christianity by then...
...but they never got this far south.
Wanna have a look?
You're? You're sure it's all right?