Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist

Well, so long as
you don't touch anything...

...and keep an open mind.
It must have been an enormous effort
to get these materials up here.

Up here?
Yes. The stones come from a quarry
near the lake.

Which means a distance...
...of miles.
It's impossible.
The stones look almost new.
With the wind and sun up here...
Well, they should be badly weathered.
The church must have been deliberately
buried right after it was built.

What, they came here and built
something only to bury it?

I don't know.
Chuma, hire some more men.

Have them work double shifts.
I want these walls cleared.

I can't understand it.
Who'd reported it?

Except for this.
I cannot thank you enough
for your generosity, Emekwi.

Oh, please, Father,
the building goes unused.

And besides, it is nothing more than
our Lord and Savior would expect.
