There's nothing you can do?
Not for the arm.
The leg...
The leg could be theoretical
Theoretically, the leg
could be rebroken...
...and set properly by a surgeon
from Nairobi.
They fly from...
Do you think he'd allow it?
It was called Chelmno.
That was the Polish name.
The Germans called it Kulmhof.
I was in a processing center
for confiscated items.
It's amazing what you're capable of
when your physical survival is at stake.
Things you think
you could never endure.
Well, nobody knew back then.
Everybody... We heard stories.
I wish they could fix that generator.
No one wanted to believe.
Of course not.
Who could believe such things
were happening?
No one wanted to believe.
It's so much easier to believe evil
is random...
...or an ogre...
...not that it's a human condition,
something everyone is capable of.
I believed God let us decide
between good and evil.
I chose good.
Evil happened.