He wants you to stop digging.
He thinks the church is evil.
His side of the family...
...either old ways or nothing.
No argument.
Look here.
Look how it was done.
The workers who did this were not just
Not just workers. They were artists.
The mosaics came
from across the world.
Here. The great battle of the angels.
The turquoise from Egypt,
malachite from Namibia...
...lapis from Afghanistan.
This is St. Michael.
It's his church. It's dedicated to him.
But the violence.
It's the war of heaven.
God's angels fighting Satan
and his legion...
...cast into the underworld.
It's the sort of find
that makes a career.
I thought that at first,
but now it seems...
There is he.
Lucifer, source of light.
He was called
the most perfect of angels.
It will make you, Lankester.
But what will it make you?
You're trying to see through me.
Are you a head doctor as well?
It doesn't take an expert
to see you're suffering.
You're in guilt.
We're all in guilt.
What I told you the other night...