
I wanted everyone to know
the things I'd done.

I wanted some recognition
in the world.

We'll do it.
We'll do it.
God help us. God help us all.
It was the beginning of the end.

[Police sirens blaring]
Crowd: Jerry! Jerry!
Welcome back. We're here in LA
with mixed race singlemothers.

Our next guest
takes pride in the fact

that she's in the Guinness
Book ofWorld Records

for being America's
youngest grandmother.

And... she's only 28.
Please welcome Lateesha Rodriguez!
Domino: Lateesha was
our prime contact at the DMV.

Most of our bond certificates
came from Claremont through her.

[Crowd cheering]
- Hey, Jerry!
- Hey, Lateesha. How are you?

- I'm fine.
- What's going on?

I'm here today to speak
for all people ofmixed race in America.

Now, as a blactino woman, I believe
we deserve our own race category

to forge an identity, Jerry.
That's how I feel.

Did you justsay "blactino"?
Yes, I did. I'm a blactino-American.
Wow. Uh, first of all...
first of all, you don't even looklatino.
You lookblack.
You're... You're black.

Second of all, I'm of mixed race,
and I've struggled my whole life

as to whether I'm Chinese
or whether I'm black.

Chinegro! Whatyou are is chinegro!
- Chinegro?
- Chinegro! There you go!

- Chinegro?
- You are a chinegro!

- What the [bleep] is chinegro?
- That's whatyou are! Chinegro is you!

That's some bulls... [bleep].
OK, as I understand it, you brought
amixed-race flow chart with you.

Why don'twe bring that out?
[Crowd shouting and booing]

How you doin', sugar? All right.
I'm gonna call you later.

Mwah. All right.
[Crowd laughs]
Take a look at this...
Blactino, blackasian, hispasian, OK?
Now, for the Asian subcategories,
I gotyou, sister.
