
Domino: That's Drake Bishop, owner
of the Stratosphere Hotel and Casino.

He's worth a billion dollars,
10 million of it recently stolen.

His attorney, Burke Beckett.
- I'm Detective Chris Cudlitz.
- We know who you are.

Where's my money?
I thinkit's probably best
if we take a look at the tapes.

Cudlitz: Our tapes show
that at 6:23am,

your truckpulls into the parking lot
and turns the engine off.

- Rewind, please.
- Rewind the tape.

- Freeze the tape.
- Freeze the tape.

- Now, can you zoom in?
- Zoom in, please.

You afucking mockingbird?
Shut the fuck up!

- Nancy Reagan.
- I think that's Hillary Clinton.

- Fat ankles.
- It's Barbarafucking Bush.

And Jacqueline Onassis
just to her left.

Christ almighty, it's the goddamned
First Ladies.

If you don'tmind me
asking you, Mr Bishop,

what exactly is in those tan duffel bags?
- You don'thave to answer that.
- Shutup, Burke. $10 million, cash.

Don't tell me it was a fucking hijacking.
How'd you getme
in this position, Burke?

Mr. Bishop?
You have an urgent telephone call, sir.

Yeah. Bishop.
Bishop, this is Claremont Williams.
I own the Williams Brothers
Armoured Car Service.

Um, hold on a minute, please.
[Agents chatter]
Letme isolate it.
Yesterday I received
an e-mail from a source.
