We hesitate, people die.
Sandford Crosby, UAC public relations.
- Now, follow me, please.
- How many people you've got up there?
UAC employs 85 permanent
research staff in Olduvai.
Welcome to the Ark, gentlemen.
Initiating molecular mapping drive.
All personnel prepared for activation.
Keep your distance from the core or you
might get sucked in.
You haveĀ?
You have done this before?
Once. Training mission.
Hope you had a good diner, Kid.
All telemetry verified and
transmissions are 5 by 5.
I soon as we get through I need you to
shut down the surface elevators here.
Make sure we get the standard
quarantine of six hours.
Ready to proceed?
Ark travel, 15 seconds and counting...
Why we gotta come all this way?
Why can't the hire the cops to do this bullshit?