There was a mother cheetah.
She loved her cub very much,
and one day...
...he got lost.
And she searched, and she searched.
And she called, and she called.
And she cried so long and so hard...
...that her tears made black streaks...
...down her face.
Her face...
...was stained forever...
...from her crying.
An honorable weapon...
...if there is such a thing.
For a real warrior, you know.
For you to face your enemies
and show your courage...
...eye to eye.
A lot of diamonds came out of here.
I know they did not get them all.
Always I look.
One day, I'll get lucky.
Make rich.
You. Stay.
I want to keep going.
Just one quick look. I'm coming, man.
Oh, it's an old one.