Lots of smelly old ghosts in here.
Now's our chance.
Let's go.
Come, boy.
I'm here. Hang on.
I'm trying, Rip.
Xan. Thank God for you, Xan.
Thank God for you.
Grace, we are lucky.
This little stuff. No big stuff.
Dig, boy. Dig.
Why you are stopping?
Where have you been taking us?
-I'm taking you where you want to go.
-No, you're not.
You're taking us north, not west.
I am taking you the way
to the mountains.
-It's the way to town. To the police, and-
-What are you talking about?
Collecting a reward for me
and selling Duma.
How do you get such ideas?
I am taking you north to go west.
-If you go straight west, it is a way to-
-You're just trying to scare me.
You want me to go your way
so you can turn us in.
-You go your way, and I'll go mine.
Xan, where you are going? Xan.