Don't let off the gas.
Whatever you do, do not let off the gas.
In Baja. Everyone agrees
about two things...
silt sucks. And you should
never question authority.
The civility displayed by the racers
during the trophy truck debacle
had convinced the police
to let them off with a stern warning
and an escort off the highway.
Now. For some reason.
Mark Post decided
starting second
wasn't asking too much.
Mark Miller. Already in second.
Wasn't buying it.
So Post decided to settle
for starting third.
Third place Herbst was indignant.
A feud had begun.
Ironically. The roadblock
and police escort
had erased the 30-second gaps
used at the start of the race.
Which meant a concern
for safety would spawn
a 20.000-horsepower free-for-all.
Nice, very nice.
Alan Pflueger. Who had already
been crowned the season champ
in the protruck class.
Was making his debut in a trophy truck
and shocking everyone.
He was running away with it.
Go, go, go, Pflueger, go!
Running second through Valle de Trinidad
was Mark Miller and Ryan Arceiro.
Mark Post had been knocked back
to sixth place by vengeful Herbst.
But not for long.
He was roaring back.
Hellbent on getting even.
Bouncing past Dan Smith.
Terrible Herbst lies ahead.