They hit Valle de Trinidad like something
out of the Book of Revelations.
Through the center of town
side by side at over 100 miles an hour.
Amazingly. no one was hurt.
Just some metal got bent...
the racer's calling card.
The only way people know in
off-road racing that a car's behind you,
you come up and give 'em
a little bump in the back
and they kind of move over 'cause they
know a faster vehicle's behind 'em.
If they don't move out of the way,
take 'em for a ride.
You don't know fear until you look
in the rearview and see Robby Gordon.
Got Ken on your tail.
He's catching up to you pretty quick here.
Everything that could've
gone wrong went wrong.
It's not a pit stop.
Got one crazy mad driver right there.
Robby had gotten a flat
but his pit crew was unprepared.
Putting Robby in full tilt.
He blazed through 30 miles on a flat tire
to nearly be in first place
before finally getting a change.
While the trophy trucks
and Class 1 buggies
represent the power and glamour
of the Baja 1000.
The true symbol of victory
is the motorcycle.
Specifically a motorcycle ridden by
Johnny Campbell and Steve Hengeveld.
With six straight overall titles.
Johnny and Steve stand atop a mountain
with seemingly
nowhere to go but down.
The pressure of winning is always there.
And when you win
several times in a row,
not only do you wanna
do it again for yourself,
but, you know, when you got a corporate
company like Honda, let's say,
for Johnny and Steve, they want
them to win, and they know that.
You don't see it the way you used
to see it when you used to look up.