You know, sometimes you just gotta
step out of the element for a little bit,
think about what's really going on.
So, you know, I thought the best thing
I could do is just give the kid a jersey.
T's not a replica or something
that can be bought in a store.
T's the real thing.
A Johnny Campbell race jersey.
Johnny Campbell's a good man.
His father would be proud.
His mother is.
Women in general have
had a big impact in Baja.
Including this year. With the BC-10.
An all-woman team
comprised of the wives
and daughters of other racers.
We were kind of
on the sidelines last year,
and all the guys
were out there racing.
And we kind of all looked
at each other and we're like,
"Why are we standing here?
Why aren't we out there racing?"
My sister raced,
my mother raced.
They had enough girls at that time
where they raced a class
that was called powder puff.
And they would race
after the guys raced
in whatever cars were left over,
and go out and race each other.
By the time I came along,
they just didn't have that anymore,
and I was determined
I was gonna race.
And here I am, still racing.
All of us know that we have to get
the car to the next one.
And, you know, to finish first,
you have to first finish.
I think also women have this image
of not being good drivers.
But we always
tell people on the tours
that the women tend to do
better than the men
because we don't have
quite that ego behind us,
- like something to prove.
- Exactly.
Women will ask for directions.
A lot of times you're
taken as a joke
until you go out and show
that you're not a joke.
You know, you're taken very lightly.
Call BCA
and tell them we're on their ass.
- I'll hit 'em when I have to.
- Okay.
The horn was my job. As soon
as we were getting close to someone,
that was my job, to hit the horn,
warn 'em,
and Bekki sure rammed 'em.