Dust to Glory

The once four-minute lead
had shrank to 30 seconds.

It took me probably 50, 60 miles
for my arms to loosen up.

But in that time I was catching Steve.
I could see the helicopter
getting closer and closer

and then all of a sudden
I was in his dust.

"Okay, just take it easy.
Let the pit strategy get you in the lead

and see what happens after that. "
F the rear tire holds.
The impossible can be achieved

and Andy will be at the front
of the entire Baja 1000 field.

T's 22 on the highway.
There's about a 30-second split
between 1-X and 11-X.

Knowing that Andy
had started behind him,

Steve has
no choice except to pin it.

And that's gonna tear his tire up,
which is okay with him

because he knows he's getting
a new tire at this pit.

What he didn't know was that we were
running a different tire compound.

- Front wheel okay, Steve?
- Yeah.

Gas only! Gas only!
Gas only! Gas only!
11-X. 1:05:55.
30 seconds apart.

1- X is right behind him.
Andy didn't only wanna take the lead.
He wanted to keep it.

The first place he led
was the last place he wanted to...

the silt beds. Where a motorcycle
can be swallowed whole.

He took a center line.
Held it wide open. And prayed.

While Andy headed for the coast
as fast as he could go.
