Dust to Glory

At the top of the screen
is Andy's dust cloud.

For Johnny.
It's like a red cape to a bull.

He's flat out
at 110 miles an hour.

One kelp pocket or tide washout.
And his day ends in a heartbeat.

Andy holds his lead.
Miles later. Johnny tries it again.
Coming up on the left-hand
side of the screen.

Andy Grider neck-and-neck
with Johnny Campbell.

Andy holds the lead
and will all the way to the highway.

Today is his day.
By this point in the race.
Andy had battled the 1-X bike
for over 200 miles.

T seemed beyond comprehension.
Neil had set up Andy's pit
12 miles down the road
from the Honda A Team.

For Johnny.
This was the end of the race.
