Steve would ride
the next 350 miles to the finish.
Get Mark with the oil.
Tell Mark we need oil. Oil.
Andy was finished as well.
Chuck Dempsey would take over the bike.
We're probably gonna need
to patch it at both ends.
Hey, my radio ain't working.
I can't hear Bruce for some reason.
Steve was off.
He had 12 miles of pavement
before he hit new dust.
- Go!
- Let's go, let's go!
- Go!
- Good job, good job.
Make some dust!
Make some dust, buddy!
Make some dust, Chuck!
Clear it out, clear it out.
Go, go, go!
Steve Hengeveld. The best night racer
in the world. Was flat out.
Trying valiantly.
Chuck Dempsey could not close the gap.
But it didn't matter.
Because for an afternoon.
Andy Grider had accomplished
the impossible.
I've had what I would consider
a few moments that I felt greatness
when I raced.
A lot of people, if you ask them...
if you say, "Okay, break it down.
What was your best race?"
And it might not be they won,
but they had a moment
that you're so present
in everything that's happening...
flawless and effortlessly.
And outside is utter chaos,
but that chaos is around 'em,
and they're sitting
in the middle of the tornado,
the eye of the storm.
You make a correction
before a reaction starts.
They're not scared, they're not afraid.
They don't think they can be hurt.
You don't have time to be afraid.
Afraid's afterward.
You know, it's like...
"Man, I just avoided death once again. "