Of Kristiania's 135,000 inhabitants,
the ruling strata is
the middle-class, the borgerskap,
conservative by politics,
Protestant by religion.
The Karl Johan Gate,
principle thoroughfare in a city
whose Germanic buildings
reflect the origins
of its main architects.
Here, in the summer,
weather permitting,
the Kristiania middle-class
gather for the daily promenade.
I work in a factory too.
I have to be up before five
to make breakfast
for my husband and children.
The promenade upon the Karl Johan
begins around two in the afternoon.
Music is played by a military band.
The social system supported by
the Kristiania middle-class exists,
with a national budget
of 41.6 million Kroner
under a criminal code,
which dates from the 1840s.
It has no sickness benefit,
no old age insurance,
State-legalized prostitution organized
specifically for the middle-class,
and still no reform against
the labour of children in factories.
The promenade upon the Karl Johan
lasts approximately for one hour.
Upon its conclusion the men
retire home or to the beer-halls.