Edvard Munch

"Your kiss is so fiery tonight.
"Fever takes you in command.
"Your tears run slowly down
and burn into my hand."

Sigurd Bødtker,
student and poet.

"Do you think that I've tired of you?
"Oh no!
Smile happily as you did before.

"Stay with me tonight.
Let my arm curl close about your waist."

How were sexual matters
dealt with in your home?
They weren't dealt with at all.
Everything was kept secret around me.
I understood nothing
until it was too late.

Hans Jæger has told Munch
that the human function of sex

is the most important
single process known to man.

It is a source of pleasure,
a wave of sweetness and warmth,

through which man is elevated
and made less lonely.

In her testament,
Mamma asked us to be good

and to love Jesus.
Sophie, shall we sing
a Christmas carol?
"And suddenly something opened
