Edvard Munch

which undoubtedly forms the foundation
of our social and cultural structure.
Without marriage, rootless
and chaotic conditions would arise,

which in turn, I fear,
might easily lead to anarchy.
In brief, if we want
to maintain peace and order,

it is essential for us to support
and expand our institutions.

The way society is today,
if one marries and has a wife,

she is just as prostituted
as "the girls from Viken."

Once every week each prostitute
must report to the police
for inspection.

Sit there.
The year 1884.
An American inventor called Maxim
develops the machine gun

and the United States receives
Pearl Harbor

as a Pacific naval base.
Those who are prostituted are excluded
from society by the same people...

Lean backwards.
...who've placed them in that situation.
That's the bourgeoisie's
love of humanity.

A little wider.
Raise your feet higher.
