I'm so restless at night.
I can't sleep.
I have such dreadful dreams.
I sleepwalk. I have such a
longing to come to you.
I do so like the dark.
I can't stand the light.
It should be like tonight.
So mysterious.
I could do the most awful things
in the dark. Anything.
I don't want to!
What? Don't you want to?
Come here!
What? Are you crazy?
Don't be so frightened.
What a wretched idiot you are.
A cowardly wretch!
Why are you so set
on becoming a great painter?
You're going to die anyway.
Then you'll be gone.
Using his aunt and a young girl
called Betsy as models,
Edvard Munch begins work
on a canvas measuring
119.5 cm by 118.5 cm,
the death of his sister Sophie.
How strange and quiet
it is in the forest.
Imagine living here, not alone
but with someone else.