I saw the flaming sky
like blood, like a sword
over the fjord and the town.
My friends continued on.
I stood there shaking in anguish.
I felt it like a great
endless scream through nature.
The German Kaiser visits London,
hoping that Britain will agree
to the Triple Alliance
with Austria and Italy.
There is civil war in Chile,
widespread famine in Russia.
Munch now paints and exhibits
a portrait of his sister Inger.
Another breakthrough.
Perspective has vanished.
Space and surface are one.
But this canvas, and his work
known as Despair,
with the artist's featureless,
and blank profile,
its large disconnected strokes of
heavy colour running over each other,
are heavily attacked
by the Norwegian press as
"an awe-inspiring
gibberish of futuristic art."
For reasons
which still remain unclear,
Edvard Munch is now formally invited
by the Berlin Art Association,
the Verein Berliner Künstler,
to arrange a one-man exhibition
of his work
in their new exhibition hall,
the Architektenhaus,
a converted beer-parlour
on the Wilhelmstraße.
On the 5th November
the exhibition opens,
containing many of
Munch's latest paintings,
a total of 55 canvases.
The Berlin press is here in force,
including Adolf Rosenberg,
of Kunstchronik,