But, my God, I didn't laugh.
I found a great deal that was strange,
even disgusting
but I also found tones that were delicate,
almost too sensitive.
A dark room washed through
with moonlight. Lonely roads.
The secretive Norwegian summer night.
I felt as though I heard
the breathing of melancholy people
struggling with their problems.
No sound came from their breasts.
They sat alone by the shore.
My God, I didn't laugh.
Munch, choosing to be true
to his vision,
has painted the clouds
over the Kristiania fjord
as he saw and felt them.
He argues that if he experienced
clouds as blood
during an agitated mood,
then that is how
he should paint them.
Accompanied by
his "anarchistic Schmiererei",
Edvard Munch moves into
the room of a hotel
in the Charlottenburg
district of Berlin.
Memories and images
stored for over 20 years
are about to break forth.
All that is needed
is one final catalyst.
On the corner of Neue Wilhelmstraße
and Unter den Linden,
is a tavern, serving
over 900 kinds of liquor
and nicknamed "The Black Pig",