Edvard Munch

a meeting place for writers.
Amongst them, now living in Berlin,
August Strindberg, who holds court
in "The Black Pig",

where, in the words of a historian,
"he is virtually a tourist attraction
for the intelligentsia."

Laura Marholm, journalist,
who with her husband has given
financial aid to Strindberg,

a source of growing resentment to the
poverty-stricken Swedish celebrity.

With Strindberg in this room
are as many Scandinavians
as there are Germans.

Christian Krohg, who has accompanied
his wife Oda to Berlin,

where he watches
her intense love affair

with the Norwegian author
Gunnar Heiberg.

Sigbjørn Obstfelder and,
next to him, Bengt Lidforss,

Swedish botanical student,
recently engaged
to a 12 year-old girl.

Hermann Schlittgen,
painter and engraver.

In this room, a centre
of the literary storm

that is to sweep over Europe,
are those who have already
rejected Naturalism,

who are now seeking
an artistic or literary means

of presenting the interior
macrocosm of the soul,

peering into
the darkest abyss of man.

Here, in the words of a historian,
ideas change hands
"faster than mistresses."

Here the writers feed upon
the stacatto genius in their midst,

August Strindberg,
in self-exile from Sweden,

where he has been condemned
as a blasphemer,

where educationalists clamour
for the suppression of his books,

and where he is spat upon
by parents in the streets.

Within this room, all is discussed:
art, black magic, spiritualism,
the philosophy of Nietzsche,

the erotic work of
the Belgian etcher, Félicien Rops,

such as Thievery and
Prostitution Rule The World.
