Richard Dehmel, currently writing
a cycle of poems about sex
their purpose to raise sexual love
to the level of religious mysticism,
shortly to be prosecuted
because of his description
of a nun masturbating.
Stanislav Przybyszewski,
Polish-German author
and medical student
involved with the occult,
studies satanism,
who rewrote the opening
of the Gospel of St. John
to read:
"In the beginning there was sex..."
And Edvard Munch,
famous overnight
as the centre of a storm
that has rocked the German art world
to its very foundations.
Already he has received invitations
to exhibit in Düsseldorf and Cologne
and he has been prevailed upon
by the Berlin intellectuals
to make his home here in Germany.
Right now all women hate Buddhas,
hate and humiliate them,
well knowing that they
will never become Buddhas.
Dagny Juell, age 26, daughter of a
Norwegian country doctor,
who has come to Berlin
to study the piano,
and who has been introduced
to "The Black Pig"
by her family friend,
Edvard Munch.
On the other hand, she feels
a sort of instinctive sympathy
for beggars, braggarts, liars
and dogs,
especially mangy ones.
Under the eyes of Przybyszewski,
who is in love with her,
Dagny Juell now becomes
the mistress of Edvard Munch.