"A kiss, a kiss is not a sin..."
Munch begins work on a canvas
showing a woman bent over
the neck of a weakened man.
He says of this painting that
"in reality, all it is
"is a woman kissing
a man on the nape of the neck."
He calls the painting
Love and Pain.
But to Przybyszewski,
the work depicts Woman
sucking the strength from a man.
He retitles the painting
The Vampire.
Munch lets the new title stay.
February 1893.
Edvard Munch is in Copenhagen.
The first exposure of his work
in Denmark.
It is his 15th exhibition.
Munch uses the occasion to study
the effect of his paintings
placed next to one another
in the order of
their developing theme,
for now he is planning,
and working on,
a whole cycle of paintings
that will link together,
a Frieze of Life,
as Munch calls it,
to unfold the very meaning
of nature and existence.