"A man broken in spirit,
"on his neck the face
of a biting vampire.
"There is something terribly silent,
passionless about this picture.
"The man spins around and around,
"He cannot rid himself
of that vampire nor of the pain
"and the woman will always sit there,
will bite eternally."
In his canvas
Death In The Sickroom,
contrasted to the detailed,
staring face
of his younger sister Inger,
Munch depicts himself
turned away, in profile,
his face a blank mask.
He was very happy that Edvard
had received the scholarship.
But he was sorry that he had forgotten
to send Edvard's Bible.
I've written to Edvard to say
that he must buy one.
At this period,
as he paints Mrs. Heiberg standing
outside her summer cottage,
her shadow looming large,
the psychic and sexual tension
of Edvard Munch
is at an unbearable peak.
Constantly, his nerves
are at breaking point
as he struggles to find
the artistic solution
to expressing his feelings.
He is isolated from his family,
separated for ever from his father.
His work is rejected
in his own country.
He watches his mistress, Dagny Juell,
pass from one hand to another.