El Aura

- Remember that time?
- Yes.

I remember every time.
OK. Let's go to Administration.
I've already had enough of this place.

Pay day.
How much do you think
they've got?

- Not this again.
- How much?

- I don't know.
- Have a guess.

I haven't got the slightest idea.
Two guys with two bags each.
Each bag on average...

holds 10 bundles of fifty
100 hundred bills.

Plus the same amount
that's inside already.

They bring it in the day before,
for security reasons.

Hard to believe they've got that much,
with the shit wages they pay.

- Waiting.
- Waiting for what?

For someone to do something.
Want me to tell you how?

You're going to tell me anyway.
Like when you told me how to rob
the Agricultural Convention.

See how he's got his back turned?
You could just walk right up to him.

He's not even looking.
Have you got a light?
Don't move.
- Now...
- Everybody on the floor!

It's all in the timing.
You mustn't waste a second.

Handcuffing them,
that takes...

10 seconds.
Telephones, alarm. In the treasury,
no one's realized yet.

On the floor!
- How much time was that?
- 20 seconds.
