El Aura

Don't listen to Julio.
My husband's in charge here.

And if he isn't here, it's me.
- Where is he?
- I don't know.

Hunting, I guess.
If you want him as a guide,
I can try to get him on his cell phone.

You can get a signal here?
The casino put up an antenna. It works
for the whole valley. Shall I call him?

No, we'll go on our own,
tomorrow first thing.

- To Junquillo?
- Further north, closer to Pilauquen.

- No one ever goes there.
- That's exactly why we're going there.

I wanted to rent a rifle for
my friend but now we're too far away.

- Can you rent us one?
- Yes...

Do you want to see them?
Come with me.

Now you've got a gun.
Stay close. If we get separated,
you won't know how to get back.

You walk 4 or 4 km west to get
to the river, then you turn right,

go 2 km more. That's where we
left the jeep, past the clearing.

- I know perfectly well how to get back.
- You're a real woodsman...

Good spatial memory.
I've always had it, even as a kid.
I never get lost.

You have to have one skill
to make up for the rest.
