I mean, a very good customer,
they let him keep his colours.
Blue and orange.
- What would you like?
- Nothing.
- Soda water.
- Black label for me.
That's good, soda water.
Not a good idea to mix Tegretol
with alcohol.
It's an old talent that supported me
for many years.
A good trade.
Even if it is a bit old fashioned
now. But they still work, huh?
Do you stick your fingers
into every customer's pockets?
My relationship with the casino
is based on mutual needs.
So the casino asks me
to look around while I play,
to see if anyone's trying to
take advantage...
or use the hooks.
In exchange, the casino has someone
who helps unlucky players...
play a little longer.
I give out loans, "informally".
So, to answer your question:
No, I don't stick my fingers...
in every customer's pocket.
Only the ones who have a sign
on their foreheads saying:
"I've never been in a casino
in my fucking life".
But you know all this anyway,
don't you?
I mean, is that it?
Is what it?
Come with me.