It's just goodbye, you know?
It's not "goodbye. " It's just goodbye.
Take care.
Good Lord. Did I win the phone lottery?
Tell me about the Nashville airport.
I'm over it.
I'm actually almost home now.
Were the roads as hellish as I told you?
Claire, my dad's dead.
I know.
You knew?
I don't know a lot about everything...
but I do know a lot about
the part of everything that I know...
which is people.
And I thought I was so mysterious.
Trust me, everybody is less mysterious
than they think they are.
And they all know me,
and I don't know any of them...
and I had never seen
a dead body before.
To have never taken a solitary road trip
across country?
I mean, everybody's gotta take
a road trip at least once in their lives.
Just you and some music.
You have no idea of the sheer volume
of my cousin's kid when he cries.
I mean, I think there is definitely
a higher spirit.
But I agree, what's left behind finally...
are the impressions
you made on people.
More important is to know where to go.
You haven't traveled at all, have you?
I just recently decided
that things really are black and white.
And so, we all became helpers.
Which I still can't help.
I can't help helping.
Okay, I'll drive back home.
At least part of the way.
I will take a road trip.
I was actually gonna go
with Mitch next year.
Why am I calling him Mitch?