There's a hair between them.
We're here for the next three days.
If there's anything I can do for you....
Chuck Hasboro.
Hi, Claire.
Look, if there's anything I can do
for you guys, okay? Anything.
Thank you, Chuck.
I love you, Claire.
It's all about family, bro.
Thank you, Chuck.
But they say it will hit you.
It could be 1 0 minutes
or it could be 10 years from now.
So it's good that you talk about it,
or don't talk about it.
Well, we have talked about it,
but that's what they say.
That's what they say, huh?
Yes, that's what they say.
I've always wondered this.
Who are "they"?
You know, "them."
The inimitable collective "them."
And who says we're supposed to listen
to them?
They do!
Doesn't your ear hurt?
Yes, it does.
And I have to get up in two hours
and be charming.
I'm going to Hawaii.