I'm starting to wonder
if there's anything beneath aII this.
I can't even speak the word ''pink.''
It is four o'cIock in the afternoon.
We are fIoating
in a pooI with cocktaiIs. Why?
Because we seII tons of makeup
and we make truckIoads
of money doing it.
I can teII you that if our
esteemed founder...
Lydia Pick's butt bobbed up
to the surface right now,
I for one, wouId kiss it.
Boys, stop it.
Mama's got a cocktaiI.
Go pIay at the bottom of the pooI.
Harmony, I think you need to
refamiIiarize yourseIf
with the Pick Lady manuaI.
Page one.
You IittIe shits.
I'm taking you home right now
and your daddy wiII kiII you
You know he wiII.
A man, Harmony.
A man wouId meIIow you right out.
It's not good to be aIone.
I don't need a serious reIationship.
Thank you.
WeII, you certainIy need something.
And I don't think you're getting
it from Pick Lady.
EIvis, do you think ShirI is right?
Maybe it is time to settIe down?
Sometimes I think that Pink Lady
is aII I've ever known.
Miss BeIIe,
what's aII that goody stuff for?
UnIeashing the ravishing beauty
inside us.
Like what you do to aIong?
No, dear.
UnIeashing is making sure that
what you got on the outside
is a refIection
of what's going on in here.
Now, Harmony,
how about you come inside